Sunday, 5 February 2012

what is power blogging???????

its all about power and how we make it? power making in any country is the big business and who ever hold the key to power can hold the country to ransom. take this country, england what is the government trying to say? change your account as many times as you want so the prices will go down.... NO chance and what do the government want......More nuclear power stations and why? come on now there are other ways of making electricity. yes we have wind power and solar plus wave power we could also have thermal but thats digging to deep.

but there is a power already there which we are using and combined with another source no cooling towers have unlimited power, in fact it would self power all stations, plus have no waste, no pollution no waste of radiation being pump into the seas.

mr cameron is asking this country to be great..........he is also asking this country to produce ideas.......but when you try and contact the government departments they ask you if you have patented your idea, if you have a working model or just get no answer at all.

which leads me into local MP's what do they do??????

put an idea to them and suddenly they disappear, they shy away but the great leader wants ideas so why not look at some???????

let me ask you all one simple question

who has an idea that with help could help this country?

i know i do, cheaper and cleaner power

contact me

if you would campaign for a cleaner power stations

1 comment:

  1. Just saying ' I have an idea' is not going to attact any attention I am afraid - while giving away too much will - if you really do have something - result in your idea being appropriated and developed by someone with the funds to do so.

    A patent application is usually the very minimum effort/expenditure required - sorry, but that's the way it is.

    If you need funding you need to get to the right (honest) people and convince them - but in the absense of a track record in the same field this will be difficulllt if not impossible.
